Get To Know Us
Adventists believe life is more than just the accumulation of "stuff". It’s about more than just surviving. It means more than simply maximising pleasure and minimising pain. We believe every life is of infinite value. Why? Because every human is miraculously crafted by God who wants us to live life to the full. What's more, He sent His Son to demonstrate true love, forgiveness and grace.
Historical Background.
The Kilikali Seventh-day Adventist Church - Fiji was established in 1997 at Navutu village, a branch out of its mother church, Lagilagi SDA church. With only a handful of church members worshipping in a house that was owned by one of the church members, the church grew from strength to strength as interested members began to trickle into the church. As time progressed with members increasing, the church shifted its base from Navutu to Velovelo where it now stands. With sacrifice and prayerful commitment a piece of land was secured and with God’s mighty power a church donor Mr. Pete Davis from Australia willingly donated an enormous amount of money to fund the church structure which was completed at the end of 2017.
Vision - “A vibrant Adventist Movement, Sharing our Hope in Jesus and Transforming Kilikali and its surrounding communities”
Mission - The mission of the Kilikali Seventh-day Adventist Church is to call all people to become disciples of Jesus Christ, to proclaim the everlasting gospel embraced in the three angels’ messages [Revelation 14:6–12], and to prepare Kilikali and its surrounding communities for Christ’s soon return.
Values - Kilikali church highly values the Bible, people and unity among the body of Christ. The Church believes that every person is deserving of respect and dignity because of the infinite value God has placed on them. Through God’s grace, every person is gifted and needed for the diverse activities of the church.