Reflections of Hope Episode 25: Chasing Waterfalls | Taj Pacleb

04 May 2020

Have you ever had that experiencing, standing in front of a massive waterfall, mesmerized by its motion and captivated by its power? Drawn in by its danger, and bathed by its breathtaking beauty? There’s something about waterfalls, that arrests my attention every time. Each one is unique, and deserves our attention and appreciation. It’s like the water is urged forward, over the edge of the cliff, in an eager desire to plunge into the depths of the unknown. Sometimes waterfalls, are simply soft trickles over a small ledge, and other times, they are roaring explosions over cliffs. Nothing can hold them back. The water is soft, and yet because of its persistence, it has the power to carve canyons in the solid rock. And when you look deeper, this same water teaches deep spiritual truths and life lessons that are so important today! Pause, ponder, and immerse yourself in the wonderful lessons from my time chasing waterfalls.

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