Lost Camera

08 Nov 2020

This right here is personally DEVESTATING!!! It’s definitely a “first world” problem but it still hurts nonetheless. On the other side of this broken leash was my Aqualung waterproof housing that contained my precious Canon 5D camera with the Canon 50mm 1.2 lens, plus the brand new GoPro Hero9 mounted on top. I was getting some footage for a new Reflections of Hope episode on shorebreaks at Ke Iki beach on the North Shore of Oahu. Everything was perfect. The waves were huge, the barrels were hollow, and the sunset was glorious. Not only that but I was shooting with the wave photographer legends, Clark Little and Danny Sepkowski. Just after the sunset as I was about to leave, a huge wave came and snapped my leash. I spent the next hour walking up and down Ke Iki beach with flashlights looking for my beloved camera. But IT’S GONE! 😭 Somewhere in the ocean. With the huge waves and the darkness, it was impossible to find. And unfortunately insurance doesn’t cover equipment that’s lost in the ocean. I returned the next morning and it was no where in sight. It will take nothing less than a miracle to get reunited with my camera. But precious are the lessons I'm learning from this experience. Thought I'm tempted to be depressed by such a huge loss, I still praise God that He has a plan. I have no idea what it is. But I'm choosing to trust Him despite my feelings. Please pray for me! I'll keep you all posted if the camera is found. But even if it isn't, God is still good and Jesus is still King!